The Institute is Situated on 18-Acre piece of land at Selu-Kate,on Wardha-Hinghanghat road away from the huzzle and buzzel of the town.It has spacious and well furnished lecture halls,highly Qualified Teaching Staff,a rich library, a state-of-Art of Computer Center and is well eqqiped with mordern taeching aids.
Experienced and devoted Faculty is its rael asset.
Student admitted to the Diploma/Advance diploma courses in Fire Saftey and Certificate courses in Saftey and Security will be Provided assidtance in getting employment in reputed organization after compeletion of their courses.
A 24-Room Well Furnished hostel is Availabe in the Campus.
The Libarayb is Available with sufficent text-books,refence book,periodicals, CD's, Video tapes,journels relevent with fire,saftey and environment courses and other books of indian and Foreign Authors.
The Institue has Well Equipped Laboratory with Resuisite instruments,tools and idealy complements the need of students and teachers for Fire,saftey and Environment.
Perseverance,hard work,team spirit and quality perspective form the board frame work of the culture at the Institue.Experinced and dedicated faculty wiull look after the academic and Professional intrests of the Students.
Industrial vissit is part of Teaching and training programme.Visits to well etablisged industries and organised to provide first hand kowledge to the students.
Government of Maharastra scholarship of economalliy backward classes students are availb\le to Eligible Students
The Transport it has own Hi-Tech for the Conveyance of the student residing and the Hostel and Wardha